mercredi 5 août 2020

Ça fait un an, pile!

Il y a un an, le 5 août au matin, on quittait Port Rhu pour effectuer notre tour de l'Atlantique.
Il faisait triste et gris, Bleuenn ne voulait pas partir, on était pleins de doutes...
Heureusement, la suite fut bien plus heureuse.
Il s'en est passé des choses depuis!

 Excusez les tremblements, c'est Bernard qui pleure ;-)

Ben voilà, Pikou Panez est de retour à sa place.

3 commentaires:

  1. Je pensais justement à toi car ici, aux whitsundays, c'est un bel endroit pour naviguer...upeu loin de la bretagne certes 😉. À bientôt, Anne

  2. Hi Vennec, crazy a Year has passed since you Called us on the Vhf on the leg to Porto Santo. We have often talked about you and Pikou Panez. We Hope you have a nice sail in the Caribbean. Our journey ended in the US Virgin Islands. Vida was transported on a cargo ship back to Europe, stupid Covid🥴
    All the best to you from crew Vida.

    1. Vida!!! Last time we saw you was just before the ARC departure at Mindelo! I was just thinking of last year when sailing alone to Porto Santo. I wasn't very confident, thanks for having been there. I will never forget... Afterwards we had very good sailing in the Caribean but we've been stopped in Dominica. As you did, we carried our boat on a cargo ship and took a plane to Brittany. Now we're back to work for my wife and I, back to school for my daughter, that's life... I hope we can go cruising again in a couple of years. Let's keep in touch until there!
